Both Intel and Google are eyeing the lucrative video delivery domain for possible new expansions. This area if done properly by these two giants could provide a major disruptive technology and business set of offerings changing the face of the computer and TV industries. This may become the major “big stakes” battlefield of the next-gen TV services domain space.
Apple is probably thinking in terms of the “next generation” TV service. With its feet already wet via You Tube, they are giving strong signals that hey are serious about becoming players in this domain.
If able to pull it off, Intel will evolve to the next instantiation of this historic enterprise. This launch (probably 2014-ish) will challenge Intel’s ability to break away from its old internal models and practices to re-invent the enterprise to deal with content as an additional vehicle to achieve revenue goals rather than just HW. If OnCue is allowed to operate as an independent company with separate iMBOs, they may have a chance. The new blood recruited from various media sectors can help if they are given free reigns to establish a separate Intel subculture. Has that ever really worked before for Intel????