Tag Archives: Baby Boomer

Will Computers For Seniors push SaaS Adoption?

I have a controversial view that the new SaaS adoption rates will be served more by focusing on user benefits VS “tech-selling” buzzwords.  A practical example of this would be that I believe the growth in numbers of the “boomer” generation is going to drive more customers to the SaaS/IaaS platform providers.  E.G., MyGait below offers not only a computer system tuned to older user needs (magnification, large keys, etc.) but also a service program and financing that essentially signs up the buyer to a SaaS model by selling features and benefits they need.


A combination of color coding and Input Method Editor (IME) options is perfectly suited for the older user in the US and international community.

A good working example of this is the lighting fast adoption rate in Mobile TelCo of the Windows Phone & Android applications.

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