Tag Archives: MES

How IT Technology Can Affect Auto Manufacturing 2013-2015

Problems to face by all Auto Manufacturers

There are key information systems that can affect the health and profitability of an Auto enterprise over the next few years.  This is because the issues of global economics, competition and the need for agility put auto companies in a position that require ultimate flexibility and agile JIT systems.  Commodity pricing and cost sensitive third party components also stress an enterprise’s information systems forcing consolidation, analytics and visualization all be properly orchestrated in order to turn raw data into meaningful, accurate, actionable information. Market complexity is rising as is costing pressure putting the manufacturer in a “tight profitability corner”.

Some Requirements of Auto plant IT systems

Auto enterprises will need holistic information systems that all the formation of factories that are digital in nature allowing management to make quick decisions based on multiple views of data engaged as meaningful decision support information.  Because consumers are enamored with technology, software controls for electronic components are making autos a complex of silicon components demanding overall systems software integration. These systems can impact:

  • Product Design
  • Production
  • Plant Automation
  • Production Execution
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)

If executed properly, good IT consulting can assist management to:

  • Speed the product design process,
  • Achieve faster time-to-production,
  • Enable increased manufacturing execution efficiency and production      quality, and
  • Ease the management of design and production changes.


Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) essentially use intelligence about the manufacturing process to monitor, automate and guide critical decisions of the digital auto factory. The ultimate goal is to utilize manufacturing informatics to increase the ability of operations to respond in an agile and effective manner to any situation.

More Info…

In working at Intel and designing factory systems and management decision support systems we’ve learned many things that can apply directly to the auto factory.  While working with the auto technology teams an Intel and Microsoft, we gained experience in how to integrate technology into the auto manufacturing process.

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